She woke up the moment her alarm buzzed. She stepped out of bed and looked at herself in the full-length mirror hanging on the wall. She didn’t move until her husband rolled over in bed. She immediately went to the bathroom wondering, “when did I start looking so different?”

She looked herself again in the vanity mirror. Her eyes had lost its vibrance and the smile had faded. She touched her hair and found it to be rough. Her nails and skin were unkempt. “When was the last time I sat on that hairdresser chair? Probably six or seven months back?” That terrified her.

For many years, Eva had dedicated herself to be a loving wife and a caring mother of two children. Her life revolved around their needs, and happiness leaving little room for herself.  

She was in her early forties now living her life without any aim. Today seeing herself carefully in the mirror flabbergasted her. “I have lost all these years caring about others. What about me? Who is thinking about me?”

In the afternoon she reached out to her friend, Sarah, and shared her disappointment about the choice she made about ignoring herself completely for years.

“I am also struggling with similar questions. I have managed to find the first step,” Sarah said.

“What is it?” Eva said.

“You need to find yourself. How? I don’t know.”

They decided to support each other in their quest to rediscover themselves. Eva didn’t hesitate to find her self-worth. She was astonished by her self-confidence. When she was in her early thirties, she never dared to take bold steps. She feared asking for help for herself. She felt guilty of doing anything for her. Now everything was different.

She and Sarah signed-up for a weekly yoga class at the local community centre. Physical activity brought flexibility and a sense of accomplishment. After three months, they decided to start a book club for women in their 40’s. They were no longer mother or wives. They were two women out on a mission of fulfilling their dreams and desires of their own.

The discussions in the book-club opened their minds and heart. The lively and honest environment ignited their passion for writing. Eva and Sarah decided to co-author a book which was accepted well by the women facing midlife crisis.

As the years passed, Eva and Sarah’s circle of friends grew. They began mentoring a group of women in the town who were looking to regain their self-confidence in mid-life. They formed a supportive community, and together they learned that mid-life was not the end, but a new beginning. With each passing day, these women showed the world that age was just a number, and self-confidence was the key to unlocking their dreams, passions, and the vibrant, fulfilling lives they deserved.         

They both figured out that as a woman enters her 40s, she experiences a variety of emotional and confidence changes. Some common changes women may encounter during this life stage are:

Increased Self-Assuredness: Many women in their 40s report feeling more self-assured and confident compared to their younger years. Life experience and maturity often contribute to a stronger sense of self and the ability to assert one’s needs and desires.

Greater Emotional Resilience: Women may become better at handling life’s challenges, setbacks, and stressors. They develop coping strategies that allow them to bounce back more quickly from difficult situations.

Reevaluation of Priorities: Women in their 40s may reevaluate their life priorities and make significant changes in their careers, relationships, or personal goals. This can lead to an increased sense of purpose and satisfaction.

Body Image and Self-Esteem: Women experience changes in their body as they age, and this can affect their self-esteem. It’s common for women to become more accepting of their bodies and focus on overall health and well-being rather than unrealistic beauty standards.

Midlife Crisis: A midlife crisis is a term used to describe a period of self-reflection and sometimes restlessness that some individuals experience in their 40s or 50s. This may lead to changes in career, appearance, or relationships. It can be a time of questioning one’s life choices and seeking new experiences.

Hormonal Changes: Perimenopause, the transitional phase leading to menopause, typically begins in the late 40s. Hormonal fluctuations during this time can lead to mood swings, irritability, and other emotional changes. These can vary greatly from one woman to another.

Increased Confidence in Personal Style: Women often become more confident in their personal style and fashion choices during their 40s. They develop a better understanding of what works for them and feel less pressure to conform to external standards.

Greater Emotional Depth: Many women report that as they age, they develop a deeper emotional understanding and empathy. This can lead to more meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

Reconnection with Dreams and Aspirations: Women in their 40s may reconnect with long-forgotten dreams and aspirations. They may find the courage to pursue new interests and hobbies they didn’t have time for earlier in life.

Emotional Adjustments to Empty Nest Syndrome: As children grow up and leave home, women may experience the “empty nest” phase, which can bring a mix of emotions. Some may feel a sense of loss and sadness, while others may relish newfound freedom and independence.

[ Banner Image by Molly Blackbird on Unsplash ]

About A New You:

We all deserve to have everything in our life exactly the way we want it.The first step begins with believing that every moment is bringing an opportunity to be a new you. As a founder, I provide tools to elevate all dimensions of your life and I teach you the art of writing to reach to your true potential.

Vandana Sehgal | Founder – A New You