Power of Compassion: A Tale of Transformation

By admin

Pavan, a violinist by profession, had a habit, an unconscious pattern that had taken root in his daily life – complaining. Little did he know, a seemingly harmless thing like complaining could infuse power into…

A Delusional World of Equality

By Vandana Sehgal

Vandana Sehgal Author, Founder – A New You In a world not too dissimilar from our own, women everywhere find themselves struggling under the weight of societal expectations and responsibilities. The pressures of balancing careers,…

Entrepreneur or Author?

By Vandana Sehgal

Vandana Sehgal Author, Founder – A New You Am I an author or entrepreneur? I wear both these hats on and off, and keep switching between the two. I love both so much that it…

Every Choice Matters

By Vandana Sehgal

I write when it comes feel from my heart. That doesn’t mean I don’t write on other days. I journal almost every day, especially on days when emotional turmoil hijacks my mental peace. Then a…